Tumalo Art Co. artists have work selected for new Partners in Care building

David Kinker's mural in the dining area of Partners in Care Hospice House in Bend, Oregon

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Bruce Jackson, David Kinker, Judy Hoiness and Susan Luckey Higdon have had work selected by arts curator, Marlene Alexander to be part of the design of the new 12-bed Partners in Care Hospice House in Bend.

Painting of Oregon's Soda Creek by Susan Luckey Higdon
Sandstone & Celadon (Soda Creek) 30 x 40, acrylic on cradled birch board was one of the paintings selected for the public space in Partners in Care Hospice House in Bend, Oregon


A forerunner of using art in healing, Marlene has placed art throughout the facility to promote a sense of calm and peace. David created several murals along with specific paintings of Central Oregon scenes. Judy interpreted inspirational quotes with calligraphy on walls.

Bruce Jackson with large photograph of aspens
Bruce Jackson with his large canvas photograph of aspens and pines at Partners in Care.


Bruce’s photographs and Susan’s landscapes are in rooms and light-filled public spaces. Partners in Care as been serving the needs of terminally ill patients in Central Oregon since 1979.

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