Susan Luckey Higdon‚ June featured artist at Tumalo Art Co. in Bend Oregon

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In her June show at Tumalo Art Co., Susan Luckey Higdon is focusing in closely on her artistic vision of the landscape. The show of new works, opens June 5, from 4-8pm during the First Friday Gallery Walk.

Honed by a lifetime as a graphic designer, strong composition is the cornerstone of Susan’s work. Using shape, color and composition, these new paintings on cradled birch board take her interest in natural abstraction to a new and challenging level. From an island estuary to mountain lakes and wild rivers, Susan is most drawn to water is all of its fluid poetry. Known for her depictions of native trout species in their underwater environment she was featured in the spring issue of H2O Magazine and provides artwork for Deschutes River Conservancy projects like Riverfeast and Tight Lines.

Susan’s painting, Metolius Meadow  with Three-fingered Jack, was painted from this year’s site for Riverfeast, The House on the Metolius. It will be held August 8. She will donate 50% of the proceeds from the sale of this 30 x 24 acrylic on cradled board to DRC.

Tumalo Art Co. is an artist-run gallery in the heart of the Old Mill District in Bend, Oregon. We are open seven days a week.


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