Dorothy Freudenberg presents retrospective of digital media flower images

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Loved for her artwork of flowers, particularly poppies, Dorothy Freudenberg’s show “Waking Dreams”, opening August 1, from 5-9pm during the First Friday Gallery Walk, is a retrospective of these lush creations. Dorothy has augmented traditional photography by embracing new digital technologies, combining photography with the vast capabilities of a digital darkroom. She transforms what were realistic photography renditions into expressions of internal emotional conditions or fanciful landscapes with brilliantly-colored, painterly qualities. Years of study in black and white photography have expanded into a new art form, one that leaves room for an unlimited range of possibilities, challenging her to continually engage in expanding her expressive capabilities.

Tumalo Art Co. is an artist-run gallery in the heart of the Old Mill District open 7 days a week.; 541-385-9144

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