Patrick Horsley
Stuido potter Patrick Horsley‘s work is strongly influenced by architecture, both primitive and contemporary, i.e. the home, the temple and the skyscraper. He bases his work on the idea of the container vessel, and at times, utilitarian forms such as teapots and lidded jars.
Some of the work — bowls, vases and platters — fall into a more ceremonial category. The image of the teapot has become a major focus of his work and time.
Patrick’s challenge is to combine the many elements (handles, feet, spouts and lids) into a work that dances and presents a new view and image of a familiar form. His primary interest is in the process and the physical dance of making the pots. Most of his work is thrown, or thrown then altered, with some of the pieces using slabs and thrown parts. Some of my work is made in sections with handles and feet made from extruded parts.